Monday, November 07, 2005

New Car

Here's the new car. It is a 2006 Scion xA. We were lucky when we visited the dealership that they had two on the lot, and that were automatic. They tend to go quickly. It was also the color we wanted. Otherwise, we'd probably have had to wait a month or so to get the one we wanted.

We drove through part of Skyline Drive, south of Front Royal, VA on Sunday. All of the trees have pretty much turned colors, and some are completely bare now.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween Stuff

Here are photos of the pumpkins we carved for Halloween. We used a pumpkin carving kit from the supermarket. We probably had a couple dozen trick-or-treaters. Though it seems these days, parents don't teach their kids how to speak to adults. We had many who silently thrust their bags out in front of them. Some didn't even bother to wear costumes! Heathens!

We also went to a friend's Halloween party. Most of the costumes were supplied by a guest, who bought most of them from a going-out-of-business costume shop.

That's why there are so many full-body animal costumes. I ended up the kangaroo. Captain Picard and Lt. Worf were also present, as well as a day-laborer or two.

Raspberry Plant

Here's the garden bed with one of the raspberry plants planted. I'm expecting 4 more plants to arrive soon. I'll have 2 black Allen plants and 3 red Heritage plants.